Product business

HyperGraph is committed to building the back-end data infrastructure of DApp-related projects, allowing users to easily submit queries on blockchain data, and easily integrate the query results into their products.

Therefore, the products currently provided are mainly products for project use to submit query subgraphs (subgraph). Through this product, a project or developer can easily submit a query subgraph for blockchain data. The methods for submitting a subgraph include: uploading a code compression package, using a github connection, and deploying the project itself through API.

After the project developer deploys the subgraph, the back-end processing program will automatically enter the follow-up process: if it is uploading the code compression package, it will automatically decompress the code package, if it is Github, it will also automatically obtain the source code file, and then verify the basic file Correctness and command security, and then execute related deployment commands. If it is deployed in API mode, the relevant content will be automatically analyzed from the deployment log to update the data.

Since what HyperGraph does is a data back-end service, there is currently no direct user-oriented product, so many users do not know what the project does very well, and they don’t even know the difference between HyperGraph and other data-related infrastructure products such as oracles. the difference. Here is a simple distinction.

HyperGraph's current work is to analyze high-performance public chain block data with high performance based on subgraph query instructions submitted by developers, then index the data, and provide query interfaces, which is a data analysis output to support operations and business. The oracle machine is due to the blockchain program, especially that the smart contract program cannot easily get some data off the chain, especially the quotation data. Therefore, there are some oracle machine services that integrate these data in a decentralized manner. Data is written on the chain, so that the smart contract on the chain can be easily read, which is a service for off-chain data on the chain. The two are fundamentally different.

Of course, for HyperGraph, as the number of cooperative projects and analysis data increases, more valuable data will be generated. These data will also be available for use on the chain. At this time, HyperGraph will also combine oracle services. Write these data on the chain and provide it to the smart contract on the chain. At this time, the data intercommunication vision of HyperGraph is realized. Even further, it is not only the analysis of blockchain data, but also the traditional Internet data. Combining multiple types of data comprehensively to provide off-chain query and on-chain oracle services to achieve greater value.

In the next section, we will formally explain the use of the product.

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